Community Partnership in Opposition of the Greensferry Bridge

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Public Notice​

We’d like to thank those who have put forth the effort of circulating flyers and pamphlets informing the community of the bridge project.
However, under no circumstances is it permissible to distribute the information via-mailboxes without proper postage… it is a federal crime and hinders the message of the cause…

The (UPDATED) results are in!

We are not in the business of “calling elections” but… As of 2:31 AM on November 4, 2020, 66.62% of Kootenai County residents voted…

Sign the Petition

Sign the petition in opposition to the Greensferry Bridge! Keep it simple! We’ll keep track of the numbers and you add your name to the

Bridge Project Timeline

The embedded document below shows the Timeline for Phase 1 of the Greensferry Bridge Project which puts them right around the first bridge concept draft

Public Comment Form

The Post Falls Highway District is still accepting public feedback! Using the form below, submit your public comment and have it retained for record. You

Huetter Right-of-Way

With proposed alternatives being dismissed, are we asking the wrong government officials for answers?

Help Needed Sharing the News

If you want to prevent the Greensferry bridge, please consider volunteering your time to this effort.

Traffic Counts

I am a fan of Data! You can make decisions based on realities understood only when observed and explored data exists. This is exactly what

Proposed Alternatives

Questions have arisen about proposed alternatives to the Greensferry Bridge – two are summarized here.




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Greensferry Bridge Unlikely

Thank goodness for the Coast Guard! Though final action has yet to be taken, the Post Falls Highway District board of Commissioners has instructed HDR

Continuation Approved.

Despite the vehement opposition to the Greensferry Crossing, the board of commissioners voted to continue into Phase 2 of the project on Wednesday, bringing the

Decision Meeting TONIGHT!

Don’t miss it TONIGHT! According to previous reports and the board agenda, tonight, Wednesday, January 6th at 6PM, the Post Falls Highway District will vote

Decision Meeting this Wednesday!

Don’t miss it! On Wednesday, December 16th at 6PM, the Post Falls Highway District will vote on whether or not to continue the Greensferry River