We are not in the business of “calling elections” but…
As of 2:31 AM on November 4, 2020, 66.62% of Kootenai County residents voted NO on the Vehicle Registration Fee, which speaks loudly of public opinion!
How does this impact the bridge project?
The hope is this resounding opposition to increased taxes for infrastructure development, caused by unrestricted and unhealthy growth patterns in the area, will set the tone for what the Post Falls Highway District Commissioners should come to expect if the Greensferry Bridge Bond Tax Levy Proposal goes to ballot in 2021. They should read the writing on the wall and concede defeat at the December 14th meeting.
Our call to commissioners:
Consider, for but a moment, the cost and worth to continue into Phase 2 of your project when the atmosphere surrounding increase taxes is so hostile. How much more should you spend on your folly, a proposal that is likely to fail when given the chance?

It is official, updated November 4th by KREM2 news, the poposition failed to pass. Read the full article here.
The unofficial results are available for review below or direct download here.
One thought on “The (UPDATED) results are in!”
The people have spoken!
Now if only “They” will hear.