Greensferry Bridge – Ms. Winter asked the Board if they wanted to move forward since the norise requirement was approved in October. Cost estimates are complete but engineering costs will still need to be invested. Commissioner Werner stated that the District plans to run a bond levy so he feels we are back to the point of calling the bond attorney to see what the next steps should be. Chairman Tondee supported that thought. Staff will make contact to Ms. Danielle Quade of Hawley Troxell. [1/15/2020 Brd Mtg]
Greensferry Bridge Discussion – Ms. Winter reports she and Darius Ruen brought Director Lenz up to speed. They also revisited the 2017 estimate, 9.6 or 10.6 million for asphalt overlay or epoxy overlay would need a contractor. 2019 costs 12.4-13.1 million. When meeting with Danielle Quade, ask about an inflation index. Commissioner Werner added the City bonded for an amount “not to exceed” a certain amount; only the final cost will be bonded. [2/5/2020 Brd Mtg]
Greensferry Bridge Bond Discussion, Hawley-Troxell’s Danielle Quade Ms. Quade stated she understood we were further along. Chairman Tondee responded by explained the flood ordinance change with Kootenai County and the District had an updated cost estimate although the Board feels it is too low. Knowing the direction of the questions, Ms. Quade continued in discussing costs to be presented in the ballot, an engineer’s estimate is not required at this time. Ms. Quade stated the Board should have ready information for ‘what’, ‘how much’, and ‘how long’ in order to place this on a ballot. She explained approval of a bond is only getting authorization to borrow followed by the dates of elections; bringing a financial advisor and a public relations person on board; timeframes; education versus advocating; and Idaho Code sections which Ms. Quade will provide to the District Clerk. Education was discussed and allowable reimbursements. Once the District receives information form Ms. Quade, contacts will be made to schedule March 18 discussions. [2/19/2020 Brd Mtg]
Greensferry Bridge Update – Gemma Puddy from the Langdon Group introduced herself at a recent meeting who would like to do the public education for the Greensferry Bridge bond. Eric Heringer from Piper Sandler Company will be at the March 18 meeting to answer questions regarding the bond portion if the levy were to pass. Engineer Laura Winter then discussed the costs of the bridge after HDR’s Daniel Baker met with her and Director Lenz. Items discussed at that meeting were lane size, pathway size, width of bridge, type of walls, and cost which is higher than prior discussions. Discussions followed on all items with a decision to discuss it further in a workshop on March 12, 2020 at 9:00 am. [3/5/20 Brd Mtg]
Due to recent meetings and bridge costs, the Board would like to step back a step and go out to RFP’s for the bridge design feeling bond voters would like to know the cost, not concept. The Board is not interested in buying right-of-way for this project. They would like to move forward to speak with the bond attorney for information only. Director Lenz will look into RFP’s. [3/12/20 Wkshp]


Greensferry Bridge RFP – Director Lenz, engineers Laura Winter and Darius Ruen will review the two RFP’s for preliminary bridge design and determine if interviews are needed. [6/3/2020 Brd Mtg]
Greensferry Bridge RFP Selection Director Lenz thanked HDR and KPFF for submitting proposals. A three-team panel reviewed the proposals with a unanimous decision for HDR to receive the selection and recommended to the Board to award HDR with the preliminary design. Commissioner Werner moved to accept the recommendation from the Director of Highways to select HDR and begin the process of design. Commissioner Humphreys seconded. Motion carried unanimously. [6/17/2020 Brd Mtg]
Greensferry Bridge Update – Director Lenz and HDR’s Daniel Baker have been working on a phased plan for the preliminary design of this project allowing exit points for the District to make decisions if they want to continue or halt the project. Negotiations of cost will continue at the next meeting. [7/1/2020 Board Mtg]
Greensferry Bridge Preliminary Negotiations Director Lenz stated the proposal shows costs at Phase 1 and Phase 2. Daniel Baker of HDR Engineering presented the Master Short Form Agreement For Professional Services for preliminary design of the Greensferry Bridge providing information for the Board to go to the voters for a bond levy. Mr. Baker went through the timeline and costs providing a four month period to prepare for the levy. Media and public outreach was further explained where it falls in the timeline. Two conceptual designs will be done, one staying within the current 50-foot right-ofway and the second in which acquisitions would provide more right-of-way. After discussion, the Board asked about funding with District Clerk Walson stating it has been placed in the preliminary 20/21 budget. Director Lenz cited a contractor working without a permit recently hit a gas line on Riverview close to Greensferry and it is quite apparent that if Spokane Street Bridge is shut down, for any reason, there could be a big problem with response for emergency. Commissioner Werner moved to authorize the Chairman’s signature on Greensferry Bridge Phase 1 contract with HDR. Commissioner Humphreys seconded. Motion carried unanimously. [7/15/2020 Board Mtg]
Greensferry River Crossing Daniel Baker of HDR Engineering provided an update on this project again noting the timeline stating the design team kickoff meeting was held July 27 discussing the Draft Public Involvement Plan (PIP) and providing a “Branding” for a project logo which was presented. He continued with public involvement will begin in August through September with a neighborhood meeting scheduled for September 15 at the Q’emiln Trailhead Event Center from 6-8pm. Utility research begins the following day and continuing through September. Field Reconnaissance; Bridge and Roadway Concept continue through the end of the year and the final milestone for the year will be the Approved Bridge Concept on the December 16 Board Meeting agenda. [8/5/20 Brd Mtg]
September 2nd
Minutes not yet posted.