Community Partnership in Opposition of the Greensferry Bridge

Public Notice

We’d like to thank those who have put forth the effort of circulating flyers and pamphlets informing the community of the bridge project.

However, under no circumstances is it permissible to distribute the information via-mailboxes without proper postage and sending through the USPS. We do not condone, but rather condemn, any such form of unauthorized or illegal distribution of flyers.

Tampering with mailboxes (which includes even taping something to it) is a federal crime and hinders the message of the cause. Please check with your organizer and report any such behavior to us immediately so it can be stopped. 


Ultimately the Friends of Greensferry would like to prevent the construction of the Greensferry bridge. However, every citizen understands that infrastructure is vital to any community and we cannot be naive about the transportation needs of the city and region.

The purpose of coordinating our efforts here is to engage in constructive and civil dialog with the Post Falls Highway District, the City of Post Falls, and other municipal planners to discuss impacts, alternatives, and accommodates to and for the surrounding neighborhoods through the Greensferry corridor.

Together, with the commissioners, engineers, and City Government officials, we can find a solution that meets the needs of the region and the desires of the community. This can only be achieved through active engagement and must be carried out with decency and composed conversation. 

Limit Public Involvement? We think not!
Submit your Public Comment and let your opinion be known! 
Click Here to submit your Public Comment online now.


Count down to the Post Falls Highway District vote to continue the project to Phase 2. 
Voice your concerns while there’s still time!

Subscribe to Updates and Developments

Our community is the only advocate group – don’t be passive, don’t be defensive – be engaged, active, and enthusiastic! 

Greensferry Bridge Facts, Impacts and Actions

  • PF Highway District has been planning this project since January 2020 without public input/discussion and expect to approve conceptual design by December 16th.
  • Property values surrounding the area will be negatively impacted.
  • Census data suggests 380-460 children live within ¼ mile of Greensferry on the north side of the river alone.
  • A safe and quiet neighborhood with young families will be greatly disrupted.
  • Estimated cost is more than $20 Million, requiring a bond tax levy for 2021.
  • Current estimates do not account for land acquisitions, lawsuits, relocation of existing infrastructure, and the required widening of Greensferry road.
  • IDT estimates a 30% budget shortfall due to COVID-19 and state funding could be limited.
  • Suggested alternatives:
    Widen the existing Spokane River bridge to 4-lanes through the existing 4-lane commercial corridor.
    Explore option to construct bridge at Huetter to connect the Huetter corridor to the south side of the river.

Action Timelines

Public Comments Due!

When: Now 
Where: Here!

Our Role:
Our community must submit our Public Comments and express our disapproval and advocate for:

  1. Abandoning the project – Vote No-Build!
  2. Suggest alternative options:
    1. Spokane River Bridge to be expanded to 4 lanes through the existing 4-lane commercial corridor. 
    2. Construction of the Bridge at the Huetter Corridor to better serve growth and safety concerns as studied by KMPO in 2009.
  3. Convey the lasting (damaging) effects this bridge will have on our otherwise safe and peaceful neighborhood. 

We cannot stress enough how critically important it is to submit your Public Comments as soon as possible!

A physical copy of the public comments form can be obtained at the District Office or printed online here.

Comments submitted online can optionally be included as letters to the editor – make your voice heard!

Approved Bridge Concept (and proceeding to Phase 2) to be voted on by the Post Falls Highway District on December 16 2020.

Post Falls City Council Meeting - October 20th!

Approved Bridge Concept to be voted on by PF Highway District on December 16.

Looking to Contribute?

We are trying to collect all data regarding this project and raise awareness. 

How you can help:

  1. Stay informed!
    Subscribe to Updates and Developments and don’t miss and opportunity to make a difference!
  2. Raise awareness. 
    Download and Print the information flyer and circulate it to your friends and neighbors. PFHD are months ahead with their plans and provided us less than 3 months to coordinate. They have an accelerated timeline and so we must.
  3. Attend and engage! 
    Make time, do not be passive. Go to every meeting and every event, discuss it with your neighbors and encourage an active participation!
  4. Add to the conversation.
    If you have supporting data or suggestions to make for presenting to the Commissioners at the Post Falls Highway District, please let us know! You can reach out by emailing or by call/text ‪(208) 274-3408‬