Community Partnership in Opposition of the Greensferry Bridge

News and Developments

PFHD Meeting Notes – Momentum is on our side!

At the PFHD meeting on October 7th, Daniel Baker (HDR Project Manager) reported that over 140 comment forms were received and a “large majority support the No Build option”.  Of those who support the bridge, the majority prefer Alternate 5. Geo tech drilling and some other profile work has been completed.  Land surveys are underway and due to wrap up next week.  Then they will move on to the bridge concept phase.

Commissioner Tondee asked that any necessary road upgrades, if needed, be included in the design. He said several people commented about the need to widen Greensferry Road on both sides of the river (presumably on the comment forms).  Also, that the original goal of the PFHD was to construct a 2-lane bridge requiring no more than 2 lanes on each side of the river.

This is all the evidence needed to prove that the Public Comment forms have made a difference in their plans! No longer are they focusing their attention only on the bridge, but are now including the widening of the road in the scope of project, giving a more realistic expectation of the project (cost and impact) to the board and the voting public! We must keep the momentum on our side and continue to encourage and engage Public Comment while they continue to consider our opinions!

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3 thoughts on “PFHD Meeting Notes – Momentum is on our side!”

  1. Oh, widening the road, so people lose their property to widen it and get nothing back! Terrible how government takes what they want, as usual!!

  2. So now we are listening to “several people” ? And they think the road should be widened when the vast MAJORITY don’t even want a bridge?

  3. Road widening, is always within the City’s Right Of Way and if it is wider they must pay you for your land. When you bought your home it should have come with a notation of property boundary markers and city right of way. if you or the original owners ignored those markings and landscaped the city’s property, that is OK, except when the city reclaims it’s property. This is just an FYI, know your property boundary lines.

    I will be at the Highway District meeting tonight at 6PM and hope many join me. I spoke to our district representative for quite awhile and learned a lot. Everyone should do the same. Maybe we could set up a neighborhood meeting with our representative. I have a meeting room that can hold up to 90 people.

    We should find clear pictures of the attached news articles at right and enlarge for everyone to read.

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