Community Partnership in Opposition of the Greensferry Bridge

News and Developments

Public Notice​

We’d like to thank those who have put forth the effort of circulating flyers and pamphlets informing the community of the bridge project.

However, under no circumstances is it permissible to distribute the information via-mailboxes without proper postage and sending through the USPS. We do not condone, but rather condemn, any such form of unauthorized or illegal distribution of flyers.

Tampering with mailboxes (which includes even taping something to it) is a federal crime and hinders the message of the cause. Please check with your organizer and report any such behavior to us immediately so it can be stopped. 

Let us not be discouraged and continue to fight the battle of informing our friends and neighbors through acceptable and legal means! It’s only 6 days until the Commissioners meeting and I hope it’ll be quite the turn out!


Commissioners meeting is Wednesday, December 16th at 6PM at 5629 E. Seltice Way, Post Falls, Idaho.

Click here to add it to your calendar!

You cannot join in-person, only virtually by the following means:
Voice: (US) 1-314-474-2059 PIN: ‪707 067 834#
Google Meet (video+audio)
Facebook Live (comments disabled)

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2 thoughts on “Public Notice​”

  1. Would you mind posting the date, time and place for the Commissioners meeting again? With all of the Christmas stuff going on, I want to be sure it’s on my calendar. Thanks.

  2. I showed up for the last Highway District Commissioners meeting and was turned away, because they said they did not have room. So if you want to attend in person, you should check with the commission before going to the site.

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