Community Partnership in Opposition of the Greensferry Bridge

News and Developments

BRIDGE: Right idea, wrong place

To county commissioners, I’m writing because I received notification that you are considering building a bridge that will connect Greensferry Road over the Spokane River. I think this idea doesn’t make sense at all.

The bridge that crosses Spokane Street is so close to Greensferry that it doesn’t make sense to have another one around a mile away and waste the taxpayers’ money. If you are doing this to help connect the residents on the south side of the river to the north, why not go farther down around Huetter and make a better middle ground for another bridge? It seems as though we would only need something like this to help emergency personnel get to the south quicker and it is not that much different to go to Spokane Street.

I feel like this project would be such a huge waste of taxpayers’ money! It’s a long way to Rathdrum, Hayden and Coeur d’Alene still from Greensferry. Huetter proposes a much better area for central location to other cities and the hospital district. Please take this into consideration when moving forward. Thank you!

Post Falls

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One thought on “BRIDGE: Right idea, wrong place”

  1. I’ve thought for a long time we need another bridge between Cd’A and Post Falls, and a centrally located one makes far more sense. Please consider the location of a new bridge, Not at Greensferry.

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