Community Partnership in Opposition of the Greensferry Bridge

News and Developments

Help Needed Sharing the News

We MUST engage the public with face-to-face interaction!
We need volunteers to go door-to-door and pass out flyers and encourage participation by subscribing and submitting Public Comments.

We only have until December 16th!

Right now we have around 6 volunteers circulating this information – as if only 6 people will be effected by this bridge!

Under no circumstances is it permissible to distribute the information via-mailboxes without proper postage and sending through the USPS. We do not condone, but rather condemn, any such form of unauthorized or illegal distribution of flyers.

Resources are available to help in this endeavor.
We have pre-printed copies of the flyers and maps of the various areas both North and South of the river. If you want to prevent the Greensferry bridge, please consider volunteering your time to this effort.

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